January 25, 2025

On Sunday, 7th of November, 2021, the BoDSA executives and General members had a meeting to chat the way forward and upcoming plans for the organisation..
The meeting was chaired by Hindolo Stephens, the National Deputy Secretary General of BoDSA..
A recap was given with regards to the last meeting held two weeks ago…
The President laid down the work plan for BoDSA and our upcoming activities and fervent agenda towards the welfare and ideals of BoDSA…
A work plan which encompasses Short term and long term agenda was brought to the fore..
The Short Term Agenda:
1- Our primary focal area will be promoting and render our support towards the free quality education in our beloveth district, provide trainings
for teachers, etc..
2- To create a solid platform in propagating the issues affecting students and pupils of various schools such as teenage pregnancies, rape, clicks and gangs etc and to raise awareness in curtailing such menaces in our district and the nation as a whole.

3- BoDSA to promote social justice and render our voices in standing against sexaul gender based violence, gender inequality, render sensitizations in return..
4- To promote sustainability and ensure livelihoods are catered for in our own little way and efforts as an organisation.. To provide loans and promote business,, BoDSA has huge plans for entertainment through which the President emphasised to help our members achieve their goals in various sectors..
5- To start Organizing our annual dinner and awards night specifically for Bo District,, to organise quiz and debate competition in schools and colleges,, and to also preach about the ideals, morals of BoDSA and what we stand for as an organisation…

The Long term Agenda
1- BoDSA serving as an entity to Render our full support to the government of the day,, no party sentiments attached.. But to promote nationalism and patriotism..
2- That as students, we must also create ways to maintain development in our district and our nation in pushing forward with national unity..

4- To raise funds in the construction of schools and refurbishment, through project writings and sourcing funds, and provide quality training sessions for teachers..
5- And lastly, to support the string ideals of political tolerance in our district, among students and to cascade our good ideologies to the national sphere..
Ladies and gentlemen,, our agenda and plans are huge but make no mistake about it that together we can achieve the unachievable with all hands on deck and the passion from each and every one of us to push forward the issues, the ideals and agenda of BoDSA…
Together we can…
Long live BoDSA✊🏻
Long live our beloveth Bo District…

Meeting minutes endorsed by: Mr Tamba Nyayenga..
©️National President of BoDSA

Written By: Hindolo Stephens
©️National Deputy Secretary General of BoDSA..

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